• CosplaysLovers

    À propos/About (31/03/2012)

    Ce blog a été réalisé par Philidia le 31 mars 2012.

    Il a pour but de diffuser en un seul endroit tout les cosplays que je peux trouver, principalement d'Asie. Je n'ai aucun rapport avec aucun des cosplayer dont je diffuse les photos, je suis juste un fan. À aucun moment je ne prétends être l'un des cosplayer ou photographe des photos que je diffuse.

    Afin de respecter les photographes, cosplayers, et les autres bloggers/sites, toutes les photos que je trouve sont pourvues du site où je les ais trouvées en premier. Dans la mesure du possible, j'essaye d'en informer leur propriétaire (Si la langue le permet).

    Si vous êtes propriétaire de n'importe quelle image sur ce blog, et ne voulez pas qu'elle apparaisse ici, envoyez moi un e-mail. Je les effacerai si nécessaire.

    This blog was made by Philidia on March 31, 2012.

    My goal is to diffuse in on place all cosplays I can find, mainly from Asia. I don't have any relation with any cosplayer I post cosplays, I'm only a fan. At no moment I claim to be one of those cosplayers or their photographers.

    To respect photographers, cosplayers, and others bloggers/websites, all posts I make contains websites where I found thoses pics. I always try to inform their owners as far as possible (If the langage isn't a problem).

    If you're an owner of any pics on this blog, and don't want they appears here, send me an e-mail. I can delete them if necessary.

    51 commentaires:

    1. bravo pour cette initiative de vouloir partager ton intérêt pour le cosplay ^^
      je suis arrivé ici en voyant ton lien sur CosRain (Nichole me manque aussi:'( )
      enfin bref, je t'ai fait un peu de pub sur la page de l'asso cosplay dans laquelle je suis (+ de visiteurs, c'est bon à prendre ;) )

      bonne continuation avec ton site

    2. Will you update photo everyday?if you will,i will like to visit this blog everyday ^^b

    3. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    4. Is there any Mai's cosplay??

    5. Could you add dates on each album? Is it possible?

      dont worry about anonymous thing.. am keep watching this page and i';d like a answer the sooner :D i love cosplay!

    6. I looked at Mai's cosplays. They're pretty good. I'll keep an eye on them.

      Hmmm By date, you mean the date's post ? Or the date's cosplay ?
      And, Is it really useful ?

    7. Have a look into Yun Kousaka and Enako Rin too :p

    8. Well surely cosplay's date would be great..
      but anything will do actually ..
      i leave it to you :)

    9. Date's cosplay is really hard to find. 95% of my sources doesn't have the date's cosplay. Even if they're not really old, I don't think it will be easy to find those dates :P

    10. In that case the post date will do :)

    11. I'll add them in the next's posts then ;)

    12. cool :) thanks and keep it up :)

    13. Have a look into K Miyuko too. She did some excellent cosplay especially the Ahri cosplay ♥

      And I can email you a few great photos for Ren she did a beautiful Miku and Gumi if you want :3

    14. Yes I already planned to post some cosplay from Miyuko :). I saw her Ahri's cosplay, it was really great :P

      Oh and don't disturb yourself, I'll look for Ren and Gumi :P

    15. It's quite hard to find some of Ren's but good luck x3

    16. Have you considered creating a forum where discussion can take place freely? It'd give the community (which I gather may come from the old Cosrain userbase) a place to congregate, share information and sources, and just learn from each other.

    17. Hmmmm It's an idea to consider to be honest. But actually, I don't like this website (design + ergonomics). I'll probably make another one soon, but, I need time.

    18. The design can be remedied once you can get a team or a few partnerships going. What sort of design did you have in mind, and what else are you concerned about?

    19. Not really an idea about the design. Something like we actually have, but with more features, like a forum, a better way to post news, a possibility for viewers to submit, etc...

    20. User submissions could happen on a forum without much distress. They could also be accomplished with the integration of a Twitter, Formspring, or other comparable service.

      Having looked at the basic blogger capabilities, layouts, and templates, there's no way to set news posts apart from cosplay posts in a clean manner. The system will treat them all as equal posts, with the exception of the use of tags (but you already have so many distinguishing tags).

      A simple, but not automated solution, would be to add a Text Box gadget into your layout in a fairly prominent space, and then use that space to link to any important News posts you'd like people to pay attention to.

    21. A token of appreciation: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sB27ng1g388/T4TQuZk0yGI/AAAAAAAAACo/zktMj0IK9Cg/s1600/CosplayLovers+Header+Image.jpg

      Not really changed, but softened, and accommodated for potential contrast issues.

    22. I'm actually looking at this. I could make a better website, but It will take me a long time, I'm like Nichole, a bit busy :P

      Also... Hiro-san ! Remove this captcha on your blog ! I can't ask anything or let any comment because of this :(. Since there is this message "No reproduction or republication without written permission.", I would have one... But It will be hard if I can't even send an e-mail or let a comment to ask one :(

    23. Do you know if Mai have a blog?

    24. http://maifanblog.blogspot.fr/


    25. Apparently, that blog's been removed?

    26. T_T It was still up yesterday...

    27. Aw.. I was excited to see it. :(

    28. Is there another way to see Mai's blog?

    29. I'll search tomorrow, or today, and post another message after :)

    30. Philidia,
      I thank you for introducing me to Tomiaaa and the spiral cats, if it wasn't for you I would have never heard of them, or not for a while. But I ask, have you heard anything of Tomiaaa? I saw an interview with the team recently and she seemed so sad, and then 2 things..blizzard event, she wasn't there, also the team has new members and a new team photo, with Tomiaaa not in it. I hope I am wrong, but I also hope for her happiness and continued cosplay.
      I also hope you continue this site, as Nichole does not promote such a variety of models as you do (though I love cosrain, don't get me wrong).

    31. Hello !

      Thanks for your comment, nice to see people who appreciate this blog !

      About Tomia :
      I checked her fanpage on Facebook, the spiral cats website, and some news about cosplay, and I didn't see anything about a possible departure from spirals cats or cosplay world.

      It's actually not on my plan to stop this blog. Actually I think I could make a real website, but the traffic on the blog seems to be too low to make a website. I'll probably make it later. If I stop to update, I'll make a post to say it ;)

      Oh and I'm permanently looking for new models :P

      About Mai :
      Didn't find another blog about her... That's sad :(

    32. Thank you for the quick response, Philidia. I can't wait to see a new update from Tomiaaa. As well as any of the SP Cats, they seem to really be pushing cosplay to another level, which I find fun to watch.

    33. Small request.. on main page when you click on pics, make it open albums instead of that picture? and at the albums could you post the original sizes?
      Thanks in advance

    34. 1) The template is a bit weird, I'll try to do it, but no promises.
      2) Hmmmm... Blogger resizes them automatically, but I could try. Pics will maybe overflow.

      Thanks for thoses suggestions !

    35. welcome.. you have some good stuff :) am stick around here and on nichole's for long time now ;)

    36. So I tried your suggestions :

      If I make it open albums instead of the picture, the title doesn't appears... That's a bit annoying :P
      About original size, It Should be ok for a lot of photos !

    37. no worries.. size is perfect :) this will do ;)

    38. updates.. updates man! :) keep it up!

    39. I'm a little busy, but, update coming :)

    40. hehe no worries :P but keep it up :D

    41. This week end, and the next week, because it's hollidays for me =P

    42. you sure taking your time XD

    43. Yeah, I slept a lot =D

      Next update probably today/tomorrow !

    44. A little busy with my job, actually. Wait a bit :)

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