• CosplaysLovers

    Tomia - Natural session + State (14/06/2012)

    In fact, I did this post because someone asked me what's becoming Tomia (Check About page). I just would say she's at hospital, and that's probably why we didn't see her since at least 1 month. DOn't be afraid, she's ok. She's bored a bit, but ok, and not alone :)

    Source : Tomia fanpage (Facebook) + Tomia's blog

    2 commentaires:

    1. Thank you for the update, Philidia! because of your site, I became a big Tomiaa fan. glad to hear she is well and hope to see her great cosplays again soon.

    2. pra mim a tomiaa é a melhor csplayer de sempre claro tem muitas cosplayer boas como a kipi, mas a minha favorita é atomiaaaaaaaaaaaaa *____*
